RPA Software

Robotic Process Automation

Software robots can automate all types of well-defined and stable business processes.


Rocketbot RPA

What is Robotic Process Automation Or RPA?

It is a technology that uses software to automate repetitive and routine tasks that are traditionally performed by humans in various applications and computer systems.

These bots can interact with user interfaces in the same way that a person would, completing tasks such as data entry, report generation, email management, and other administrative activities.

Rocketbot RPA

Why use RPA?

Beneficios (Iconografía)
It is agile and reliable

Fast execution and error-free

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Greater value for you workers

Your employees will perform tasks that a robot could not do

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With bots you can get details of operations

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Increased productivity

You will hace small or large scale processes, without delays

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Excellent response to your costomers

Robots can requests, process payments, repond and process requests or claims 24 hours a day, 356 days a year without taking breaks.

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Rapidly scalable

Works with small or large scale processes, without delays.


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Easy programming and execution of robots

No programming expertise requiered, drag & drop system, intuitive and user- friendly.

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Np hardware investment required

You can use the equipment your company already owns

Rocketbot RPA

Why choose an RPA?

Robotic Process Automation allows people to create "software robots", also know as bots, which emulate the behavior of human in front of a computer or digital device: begin able to perform systematized actions based on the processes that a campaign, business, institution or project has.

Robots are designed to perform monotonous and repetitive tasks, allowing people to focus on more valuable business-related tasks. These process robots can be operational 24 hours day, 365 days a year, witout breaks, without making mistakes, highly efficient and with the ability to process large volumes of information.


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